eRALOS3 is an italian technology startup dedicated to innovation in the field of flexible photovoltaic (PV) cells that are characterized by their lightness, flexibility and low cost making them ideal for integration with clothing, accessories or any other thing that comes to mind. SolarWriting PV cells can easily satisfy the energy requirements of your small electronic devices such as cell phones and portable music players.

These SolarWriting cells can even be manufactured in custom shapes, patterns or letters and words. They can be easily fitted on jackets, bags and packs, T-shirts, tents or on parasols, your imagination is the only limit! They are also easily removable.

eRALOS3 presents a new concept - Wearable Solar Electrical Chargers. People can now dress themselves up to become part of the "Solar Generation".

eRALOS3 wants to make you Energetically Independent!


eRALOS3 has won the "Mind the Bridge Business Plan Competition" and the First Prize of the "Wind Business Factor" contest.

We are currently looking for partnerships, both financial and industrial, that will support us as we grow from the startup phase in to an early stage company.
eRALOS3 is currently supported by:

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